Meet Our Volunteer Board of Directors

Quadra Recreation Society board of Directors: (Left to right) Rory Annett, Katie Field, Adrian McKerracher, Eamon Simmons, Adrienne Mann, Jill Ross, (front): Marc Doll & Sheldon Etheridge.

Quadra Island Recreation Society

Mission statement: “Building community through recreation”

Mandate:  The primary role of Quadra Island Recreation Society is to plan, activate, facilitate and promote broadly based involvement in cultural, educational and recreational activities that contribute to the enrichment of the individual and community. The society will fulfil its role through effective response to the needs, desires and interests of Quadra Island Residents. 

The Quadra Island Recreation Society respectfully acknowledges that our office

and Community Centre facility are located on the traditional unceded

territory of the Ligʷiłdax̌ʷ people.  We also recognize that we operate within the

traditional, treaty and unceded territory of the We Wai Kai First Nations.